"Antigone is Dead, Long Live Antigones!
Adaptation, Difference, and Instability at the Heart of the Traditional Western Canon"
Troubling Traditions:
Canonicity, Theatre, and Performance in the US
Lindsey Mantoan, Matthew Moore, and Angela Farr Schiller, eds.
New York: Routledge (2021)
Book Review:
In the Wake of Medea: Neoclassical Theatre and the Arts of Destruction by Juliette Cherbuliez
Theatre Survey
Vol. 62, No. 2 (2021): 231-232
“Human Sacrifice, Nuns, and Gender-Bent Kings:
The Effect of Religious Change on Gender Presentation in Early Modern Adaptations of Iphegenia among the Taurians”
Ecumenica: Performance and Religion
Vol. 13, No. 1 (2020): 21-51
“The ‘Most Shocking’ Death:
Adaptation, Femininity, and Victimhood in the Human Sacrifice of Shireen Baratheon”
Vying for the Iron Throne:
Essays on Power, Gender, Death and Performance in HBO’s Game of Thrones
Lindsey Mantoan and Sara Brady, eds.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press (2018)
Book Review:
The Athenian Adonia in Context: The Adonis Festival as Cultural Practice by Laurialan Reitzammer
Reading Religion:
A Publication of the American Academy of Religion
electronic publication (April 2018)
“Racine’s Ancients: Paradoxes of Adaptation in the Panegyric Tradition of French Neoclassicism”
Ecumenica: A Journal of Theatre and Performance
Vol. 11, No. 1 (2018): 53-61
“Opera’s ‘Return to Antiquity’:
Adaptation, Gender, and the Illusion of Authenticity in Gluck’s Iphigénie en Aulide”
Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance
Vol. 9, No. 3 (2016): 253-68
“Woman, Tyrant, Mother, Murderess:
An Exploration of the Mythic Character of Clytemnestra in All Her Forms"
Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Vol. 38, No. 6 (September 2009): 692-719
“Antigone is Dead, Long Live Antigones!
Adaptation, Difference, and Instability at the Heart of the Traditional Western Canon”
Panel: Troubling Traditions:
Canonicity, Theatre, and Performance in the US
Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference
August 2021
“Lessons from Three Years of ‘Pedagogy of Extraordinary Bodies’:
How the Working Group Has Shaped My Teaching”
Working Group: Pedagogy of Extraordinary Bodies
American Society for Theatre Research Conference
Arligton, VA
November 2019
“Adjuncting and Financial Hardship”
Field Conversation: Adjunct Employment
American Society for Theatre Research Conference
Arligton, VA
November 2019
“The ‘Most Shocking’ Death:
Adaptation, Femininity, and Victimhood in the Human Sacrifice of Shireen Baratheon”
Panel: Vying for the Iron Throne:
Essays on Power, Gender, Death, and Performance in HBO's Game of Thrones
Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference
Orlando, FL
August 2019
“Decolonizing the Season”
Panel: Decolonizing Institutional Norms: Syllabi and...
Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference
Orlando, FL
August 2019
“Sex, Death, and Narrative Codes:
The Role of the Virgin/Ingénue in Blending and Breaking Classical and Neoclassical Rules in HBO's Game of Thrones”
Panel: A Close Look at the Small Screen
Pippi to Ripley 5: Feminist and Fantastic Pop Culture
Ithaca, NY
April 2019
“Balancing Space and Time:
The Challenges of Integrating World Theatre into the Mainline Curriculum”
Working group: The Pedagogy of Extraordinary Bodies:
Re-Interrogating the Theatre History Syllabus
American Society for Theatre Research Forum--La Jolla
La Jolla, CA
November 2018
“Divided we Fall:
How Theater Studies and Adaptation Theory Can Revolutionize One Another”
Panel: Starting the Revolution: Lacunae in Theatre and Adaptation Studies
Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference
Boston, MA
August 2018
“Redistricting Theatre History: How a 'Location First' Approach Can Push Back Against Eurocentrism in Chronological Theatre History”
Working group: The Pedagogy of Extraordinary Bodies:
Re-Interrogating the Theatre History Syllabus
American Society for Theatre Research Conference
Atlanta, GA
November 2017
“Blood and Thunder: Spectacle in English Neoclassical Adaptation”
Panel: Blood And Bodies: Spectacles Of Nationalism On European Stages
Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference
Las Vegas, NV
August 2017
“The Myth of ‘Still Relevant’: Rethinking Adaptation as Palimpsest”
Session: Adaptation
Comparative Drama Conference
Orlando, FL
March 2017
“Adaptation as Erasure and Ethnocentrism in the Neoclassical Theater:
The Case of De la Touche's Iphigenia and Tauride”
Working group: The Transmedial and Transglobal Eighteenth Century
American Society for Theatre Research Conference
Minneapolis, MN
November 2016
“Racine’s Ancients:
Paradoxes of Adaptation in the Panegyric Tradition of French Neoclassicism”
Panel: French Theatre
Comparative Drama Conference
Baltimore, MD
March-April 2016
“Saving Iphigenia:
Neoclassical Sensibilities and the Subversion of Euripides's Political Drama in Jean Racine's Iphigénie”
Panel: Politics at Play: Raising the Stakes of Public Discourse
Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference
Orlando, FL
July-August 2013
“Desintegrando las fronteras:
el rechazo de othering de los inmigrantes en ‘Fátima de los naufragios’ y Princesas”
Panel: Critical Approaches to Spanish Literature and Film
Spanish Matters Colloquium
Tacoma, WA
April 2008
Sample conference paper:
“Blood and Thunder: Spectacle in English Neoclassical Adaptation”
Sample dissertation chapter: